Friday, May 29, 2020

Syntactic Theory and Minimalist Programs Essay - 1650 Words

Syntactic Theory and Minimalist Programs (Essay Sample) Content: Syntactic Theory and Minimalist ProgramsInstitutionNameSyntactic Theory and Minimalist ProgramsThe minimalist programs is a new area of language that tries to determine how sound and meaning can be linked. With the same concern, Chomsky noted that language should be considered as a computational system with two components including brain and mind; therefore, these proponents should synchronize sound and meaning of a word or words (Russell, Norvig, and Davis, 2010). Moreover, Chomsky noted that language or words have two components; hence, they must be analyzed within the same components that include the conceptual and articulatory. These areas call for intentional and perceptual systems of analysis. The computational human language systems is known to interact with the human beingsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ external systems. These external systems are known to be having effects in two distinct interfaces including logical form (LF) and Phonetic Form (PF). It is worth noting that the se interfaces do not deal with a personà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s poor understanding (Russell, Norvig, and Davis, 2010). Therefore, the research into human sentence processing theory is likely to be influence by three explanation styles including extra-linguistic considerations, parsing strategies, and individualistic presentational view tied to individual processing principles. It is with the same understanding that minimalistic theories can be used in analyzing tropicalized sentence.The extra-linguistic considerations in analyzing the understanding of the tropical language is like to depend on the capacity in an individualà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s working memory and complexity bonds that increases their analysis (Russell, Norvig, and Davis, 2010). These concepts can only be considered under the principles of minimal attachment and right association as well as simplicity metric. According to the parsing strategies, enables the speaker or listener to be tuned to the listenersà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ linguistic environmen t frequencies. However, the difficulty towards constructive analysis when similar thematic role or structural array appears in the entire language. Lastly, representation view linked to the processing principles also affects language learning and competency and this can be begged to the language processing theory (Russell, Norvig, and Davis, 2010). Notably, the language processing is vital aspect of linguistic since it increases the grammatical satisfaction. Nonetheless, these satisfactions are only met through parsing principles that help in locating semantic or discourse other than the syntactic components of the sentence.The minimalist program provides the necessary principles of explaining human initial preferences for the structures of ambiguity in sentences. The same principles are vital in explaining if the initially considered preferences can be revised to disconfirm data. These concepts can only be understood in line with minimalist theory of syntax. The main importance of theories is that they are driven to provide principles through which analysis can be conducted (Russell, Norvig, and Davis, 2010). Moreover, they help in evaluation of every aspect of the analysis. The importance of using minimalist features is analyzing sentences is that it is derivational in character as well as economical in condition. It provides high degree to competence in analysis since it does not generalize ideas but it filterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s characters under analysis.However, the minimalist program has numerous assumptions in its application. For instance, the first grammatical formalisms had restricted their sentence analysis on linear precedence where immediate dominance were produced from two separate subsystems (Russell, Norvig, and Davis, 2010). These two subsystems were linked; hence, it allowed the users to derive precedence order for the dominant information. This application is known as The Linear Correspondence Axiom (LCA) that minimalist employee in determining the order of analyzing sentences.In applying LCA principles, some order of analyses are required for instance: * The base step in the word analysis using minimalist programs follows asIf word function (a) precedes word function (b), then word (a) c-commands word (b) * For the induction stepIf word function (g) precedes word function (b), and word (g) dominates word function (a), the word (a) precedes (b). If these conditions follow as described then word function (a) will command all other words and if it pairs with merger or it will move in the course of minimalist principle derivation.In this case, the C-command is the in EpsteinThe above understanding and application can be used to analyze tropicalized sentence * The man tense fellThe relationship precedence among the above elements within the subject matter is licensed since the determinant c-commands and precedes NP which the man. This definition needs complementing or the second part since its terminal elements are in the subject position. In other words, the sentence is not combined directly with VP elements; hence, the determinant should either move or merge the sentence (Russell, Norvig, and Davis, 2010). Therefore, the subject matter do not command the element that is the man despite the terminals word precedes the element, VP. Thus, it is worth stating that the above tropicalized sentence do not meet the LCA requirements for analysis. Notably, the above sentence requires clause.According to Uriagereka, for a sentence to meet the LCA analysis requirements, its base step analysis point definition should follow from virtual conceptual necessity. The minimalist program also supports this correlation. In fact, it forms the simplest mapping between dominance and precedence thereby giving a window and the likelihood accepting the grammar that follows dominance and linear order as the simplified restriction for detailed analysis (Russell, Norvig, and Davis, 2010). Nonetheless, it is worth stating that driving i nduction step for these analyses seems difficult since such only allows terminal c-command relationship to co-exist in a structured manner. Therefore, using the minimalist programà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s principles can only be used to drive grammatical feature of a sentence from a virtual conceptual necessity (Russell, Norvig, and Davis, 2010). This application hence, forces the sentence analyst to consider other factors before deriving the inductive step of the sentence under analysis.Alternatively, Uriagerekaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s claims of marinating simple relationship between precedence and command can be adopted in the analysis of the tropicalized sentences. According to Uriagereka, the base step deduction can be ignored and spell out operation adopted (Russell, Norvig, and Davis, 2010). He adds that the spell out operations can be applied several times in the course of derivation of the sentence analysis principles. The spell out principles call for the removal of materials from the syntactic comp onent and feeding the same to the interpretative components. The interpretive components of a sentence include phonetic form (PF) and logical form (LF (Russell, Norvig, and Davis, 2010)). This removal and addition of components is only done when ...

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